Our clients

GDPR Training for staff is an essential part of your Data Protection compliance. The training needs to be comprehensive and includes information for all staff on key areas of data protection such as handling requests, data sharing, information security, personal data breaches and records management. Our GDPR Specialists are experts in delivering engaging, jargon-free GDPR and Data Protection Training.
Datasense has made it easy for you to train your staff in a way that suits you. We have an online course that takes about 40 minutes and is completed individually be each member of staff, once they have passed, they will receive a certificate of completion.
Compliance is not only about paperwork and good compliance practice is about an all encompassing, 360-degree approach, not just a single service. For your GDPR and other legal data needs to be fully met your data processing and management systems should also be robust, reliable and, of course, as secure from outside and internal abuse or breach as possible. With our integrated approach, we can assess and advise on your IT, cyber security, and telecoms in relation to compliance.
The Datasense difference is that we see everything holistically to ensure you have total confidence in your systems.
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